General questions about CauseBOOK (262 Threads / 1608 Απαντήσεις)
An open-line, Q&A discussion about CauseBOOK - who, how, why?
The CauseBOOK/Facebook Integration (7 Threads / 263 Απαντήσεις)
How do you use it? Why did we build it in to CauseBOOK? A lot of people are pretty darn (nice word) upset with Facebook, is there any connection to Facebook as a company? Does CauseBOOK share any of data with Facebook?
The "Relationship" With Facebook (2 Threads / 46 Απαντήσεις)
In a world where words are no longer plain-spoken or used to fool you and can cause all sorts of trouble without ever trying to, we address the Facebook question
CauseBOOK's News, Opinion, Video and Website content (1 Threads / 13 Απαντήσεις)
Q&A about the Conservative content sources we have integrated into the CauseBOOK platform - why these sources, suggestions as to others, sharing within CauseBOOK and to the outside on Facebook.
CauseBOOK and the "Free Speech" Question (32 Threads / 486 Απαντήσεις)
Ah, yes, "the" mother of all social media "integrity" questions. In politics, any discussion Social Security in the context of the National Budget is referred to the "third rail"... the high-voltage rail of a subway that you just don't touch. So, as a result, politicians obfuscate, "misinform" and otherwise pretend not to touch what is "sacred". Yeah, right. Clearly, as we have all seen over the past years, while America assumed that the "Big Tech" social media giants were all about kitty cats, doggies and "free speech" they were not. In the early days, they were winging it but it wasn't long before they decided to use it. "It" was the fame and the power... that place where the sins of both omission and commission are easy to commit. So, what about CauseBOOK?
Join Us On A CauseBOOK Conference Call (5 Threads / 26 Απαντήσεις)
We're planning weekly phone/video conference calls - informal Q&A, show and tell, your suggestions, whatever you might want to discuss.
Housekeeping, security, trolls and the "techie" stuff (28 Threads / 1163 Απαντήσεις)
What's "underneath the hood"... boring but not and certainly important.
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