As a Constitutional Conservative, The First Amendment is absolute in its guarantee to the right of an individual's free speech.
Over two Centuries, the Principle has been qualified, abused and trampled on, argued about in bars, at family dinners, and in major Supreme Court cases. The New York Times tells me that Conservatives "co-opted" and "weaponized" free speech (Lord above that is hysterical); like Chesire Cats, the social media Biggies have pretended they supported it when they didn't and the entire digital world is ablaze with accusations of what is "true" and what is "fake" and just who does or doesn't have the "right" to say something... assuming, of course, that you are using the right pronouns and not engaged in "hate" speech.
It's enough to make a grown man and 13 kitty cats cry.
So, we'll be saying more about this issue and how that will be managed on CauseBOOK but how about you chime in and let us and others know what you think should be the limits of "free speech" on CauseBOOK.
Now don't be shy. I went to a French, Catholic Boarding School for four years and there is almost nothing you can say here that will get you in "trouble" or that will cause you to be flunked ;-)
Are there topics that CauseBOOK should not allow?
Are there words or language that should not be permitted?
Are there news or opinion sources that should not be permitted?
Where do you think the line should be drawn on "free" vs. "any" speech? Is that line needed?